Job profile:Operative management of a production siteResponsible for:
- Organization, workflows, assignments
- Evaluation of employees
- Organization and implementationof import/export procedures
- Interface between Austria and Bosnia
- Personnel search and recruitment
Engineer with technical/commercial backgroundExperience in a metal-working production sitespecialized in the following areas:
- Welding, sheet metal processing, turning, milling
- Assembly, electro-technology, cable assembly
- Excellent command of German and English language
- Export/import experience
- Craftsmanship skills
Anton Paar ShapeTec GmbH, located inWundschuh/Styria/Austria, is buildinga new production site for mechanicaland electronic components in BosanskiBrod/Bosnia. The main focus will beon technologies and/or productionprocesses such as welding, turning,milling, assembly, cable production, ...
We are looking for an operating managerfor this interesting new productionvenue. Production starts at thebeginning of 2013.
Lokacija: Brod (Rad iz firme)
Broj izvršilaca: 1
Datum objave: 27.06.2012.
Trajanje oglasa: 22 dana (ističe 19.07.2012.)